eHealth Training on Unified Resources Online
The eHealth Training on Unified Resources Online Project (eTURO) aims to the
support capacity-building activities of the National eHealth Program
through the implementation of eHealth and other health related
training and education initiatives using technology-enabled
learning methods.
Who we are
eTURO is a PCHRD funded project that supports the capacity building activities of the National eHealth program of the Department of Health. We do this by providing, cataloging, and advertising short courses and programs on health and related fields. These courses are delivered through online channels, such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and face-to-face instruction. The project also provides a centralized platform that consolidates eHealth and other health-related training programs and materials for ease of access of health professionals and community health workers seeking additional training and certification.
What we do
In the project’s aim to promote capacity building, the eTURO team undertakes the following activities: Data Collection and Scoping The eTURO project gathered qualitative data regarding familiarity with eLearning and training needs of professionals, students, and educators who are in the health sciences.
The main objectives of data gathering were 1) to have a baseline on the current capacities of the Philippine health community on eLearning; 2) to discover the different training needs in the various health professions; and 3) to learn if Filipino healthcare workers would be amenable to utilizing eLearning for continuous education.
In addition, the eTURO team assembles and updates a database of all available online courses and self-directed learning methods for health professionals in the country.