Title: Breaking Ground for HATID ASEAN Chapter Title: Globalization and the Quest for a Regional Health Governance Paradigm: The ASEAN Case Authors: Dennis B. Batangan and Leslie V. [...]
Title: Breaking Ground for HATID ASEAN Chapter Title: Learning Interactions on eHealth Technologies at the Local Government Level Authors: Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand Date [...]
Title: Breaking Ground for HATID ASEAN Chapter Title: Globalization and the Quest for a Regional Health Governance Paradigm: The ASEAN Case Authors: Dennis B. Batangan and Leslie V. [...]
Title: Breaking Ground for HATID ASEAN Date Published: 2017 Published by: Institute of Philippine Culture – Ateneo de Manila University Introduction Prior to the hosting of the Association [...]
Title: eHATID LGU User Guide and Manual Date Published: 2017 Published by: Institute of Philippine Culture – Ateneo de Manila University Introduction eHATID LGU (eHealth [...]